Friday, October 21, 2005


Oh no. Oh my. I- I am speechless, dear readers. The unbelieveable, the impossible has happened. No, no, no. It is unbelieveable. I can only take condolence in four simple short words.

(More to say later.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there friend.

Just wanted to drop a few words of thanks. Thanks for sending us to this 'mirror plane' in order to level, and collect lots of magic weapons. All the better to kick your ass with. Seriously, if this isn't bar-none the *worst* method of nuetralizing your mortal enemies, I don't know what is.

See ya in bit, with some new toys.


2:55 PM  
Blogger Master Gregory Vrill said...

For a thief who professes to be 'neutral evil', you probably should learn how to spell 'neutralizing'. The root, 'neutral', is the same in both cases, and is derived from 'neuter', which is most certainly relevant in your case.

Interesting, 'neuter' is derived in turn from the prefix 'ne-' (meaning 'not') and the root 'uter' (an early version of 'either'); i.e., meaning that it refers to one who takes neither side. It requires no large leap to infer a lack of discerning intellect in such a person.

You seem to be engaged in a ludicrous rap battle, of all things, with an alien being. When I read your webblog right now I felt like I was in Hell watching a bad episode of 'Alf'. It's sad, really. I have sent an email to your so-called Dungeon Master asking him to step down and code a small program that would automatically call up the random dungeon generator, which would be infinitely more welcome than these insipid 'adventures' you insist on going on. I am severely disturbed that, in his hands, the dimension that I sent you to through my powerful mirror gate has been reduced to this.

It's sad.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Jimmy Swill said...

Hey Retard,

Thanks for the vacation. I can't believe all of the great things that we have found in this magic world. It almost makes me not want to kick your ass when we get back. -almost.

12:27 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Yup - that Vrill, he's pretty smart, all right. Arguing vocabulary - no, I mean, arguing SPELLING with us.

You got us there, Greg! Good one! Because you know, that's really what we're best at. The spelling. And you schooled us pretty hard there!

I mean - wait. No. We actually kind of suck at spelling. What we're BEST at is kicking ass.

Here we come!

4:52 AM  

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