A question for the 'blogosphere'
Okay, so does anyone out there know how to delete posts and block some users from posting on your blog? The blogger FAQ isn't loading up for me for some reason. I'm starting to get a lot of spam posting on this site, and it's annoying. What if someone interesting has something interesting to say? It'd be lost among all the crap posts my blog has been getting lately.
I suppose you all deserve to hear one of my replies to some unfriendly remarks made in the comments section. Yes, it's true, the healing process has begun. I'm coming to terms with the murder of my wife and child. Not great terms, mind you, and the perpetrators will pay in the end. They always do, right? That's the lesson of every great story (and even some not so great stories!). Anyone see 'Unforgiven'? I feel kind of like that.
Just in case you're reading this, Brogg, Cinder, and Dave. And now this Marivhon monk guy too. I am issuing a restraining order on you. I have sought legal council, and the process is already in motion. If you come within one mile of me, you will be violating the order. It's not done yet, but I'm sure by the time you're done killing all those lawful good monks it'll be ready. If the monks don't kill you first that is. So you'll be getting some official mail soon. FYI.
Vrill over and out.
I suppose you all deserve to hear one of my replies to some unfriendly remarks made in the comments section. Yes, it's true, the healing process has begun. I'm coming to terms with the murder of my wife and child. Not great terms, mind you, and the perpetrators will pay in the end. They always do, right? That's the lesson of every great story (and even some not so great stories!). Anyone see 'Unforgiven'? I feel kind of like that.
Just in case you're reading this, Brogg, Cinder, and Dave. And now this Marivhon monk guy too. I am issuing a restraining order on you. I have sought legal council, and the process is already in motion. If you come within one mile of me, you will be violating the order. It's not done yet, but I'm sure by the time you're done killing all those lawful good monks it'll be ready. If the monks don't kill you first that is. So you'll be getting some official mail soon. FYI.
Vrill over and out.