Even more unbelieveable!
Hi everyone, well guess what? I log onto the Internet here, and what do I see? Go check out www.blogspot.descentintodepths.com for some interesting news! Yes, the PCs are finally getting theirs! Hoo hah! I laughed so hard... a death knight?! At first I thought to myself, oh brother, here we go again, the GM is going to go soft on them and cop out at the last minute. "It's all a dream," or some b---s--- like that. But Brogg just got PWK'd! I'll say it again: unbelieveable! I laughed so hard I almost spilled my half-decaf-nonfat-caramel-frappachiatto!
Ha ha ha!! Or as they say here in the Internet, 'LOL'!
Readers, I'm betting that Lord Skull or whoever reanimates them into a small zombie army and attacks the new Potion Guild.
Oh, and mazel tov.
Ha ha ha!! Or as they say here in the Internet, 'LOL'!
Readers, I'm betting that Lord Skull or whoever reanimates them into a small zombie army and attacks the new Potion Guild.
Oh, and mazel tov.